How to tackle ‘entitlement failure’ in infrastructure?
by Selim Raihan | Feb 1, 2016 | Infrastructure and Investment, Institutions and Political Economy, Macroeconomy and Economic Growth
In the discourse on infrastructure and economic growth, the dominant area of discussion is on the quantity and quality of infrastructure and how countries differ in these respects. While most of the countries emphasize a lot on investing in raising the quantity (and...
Making the most of the demographic dividend
by Selim Raihan | Jan 19, 2016 | Macroeconomy and Economic Growth
For long, debates among economists and social scientists on the impact of population change on economic development centered on positions that population growth either restricts, promotes, or is independent of economic development. Despite the merits of these views, a...
Do education and skill development affect the transition from ‘good-enough’ job to ‘decent’ job?
by Selim Raihan, Mahtab Uddin | Dec 1, 2015 | Migration and Labor Market
Majority of studies conducted on decent job primarily focused on the demand side issues. However, there is a need to explore the supply side issues as the composition of labor supply itself can be a determining factor in the status of decent job. This article follows...
Export diversification – Myths and realities
by Selim Raihan | Nov 7, 2015 | Macroeconomy and Economic Growth
Export diversification has been an important policy agenda in many of the developing countries. It is commonly viewed that export diversification is a necessary condition for the sustained and long-term growth of the economy and job creation. The current discourse of...RECENT POSTS
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